last update: 2024-09-19 at 12:00:09 CEST |
Bitcoin Price Ticker On A LCD Display
I have a 16x2 character display on my Silverstone LC16B case. You can use LCDd + lcdproc to display various system information on it. I decided to display the current bitcoin price as a fun project. Here is how
This is my LCDd.conf
$egrep -v "^#" /etc/LCDd.conf [server] Bind= Driver=imon DriverPath=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lcdproc/ NextScreenKey=Right Port=13666 PrevScreenKey=Left ReportToSyslog=yes ToggleRotateKey=Enter User=nobody WaitTime=5 [imon] CharMap=hd44780_euro Device=/dev/lcd-imon Size=16x2 [menu] DownKey=Down EnterKey=Enter MenuKey=Escape UpKey=Up
Getting the current price on the command line:
curl -s | \ python -c "import json, sys; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['bpi']['USD']['rate'])"
Use a simple python script to communicate with the LCDd daemon
sudo apt-get install python-pip pip install requests
LCDproc developer guides command reference:
#!/usr/bin/env python import os; import time; import json; import telnetlib; import subprocess; import requests; host=''; port='13666'; def getPrice(): url = '' resp = requests.get(url) usd_price = json.loads(resp.content)['bpi']['USD']['rate_float'] eur_price = json.loads(resp.content)['bpi']['EUR']['rate_float'] return float(usd_price), float(eur_price) tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port) tn.write("hello\r"); print(tn.read_until("\n")); tn.write("screen_add screen\n"); print(tn.read_until("\n")); tn.write("screen_set screen -heartbeat off -priority input\n"); print(tn.read_until("\n")); tn.write("widget_add screen w1 scroller\n"); print(tn.read_until("\n")); tn.write("widget_add screen w2 scroller\n"); print(tn.read_until("\n")); title = " Bitcoin" while True: prices = getPrice() content = str(round(prices[0],2)) + " " + str(round(prices[1],2)) tn.write("widget_set screen w1 1 1 16 1 m 3 \"" + title + "\"\n" ); print(tn.read_until("\n")); tn.write("widget_set screen w2 1 2 16 2 m 3 \"" + content + "\"\n" ); print(tn.read_until("\n")); time.sleep(60)